On average, dental implants cost more than traditional tooth cosmetic dental procedures because of multiple factors:
- lack of insurance coverage for the dental implants
- the rising costs of implant parts and components the
- higher level of quality achieved ( life-long quality)
However, the overall cost for dental implants can fluctuate with a simple case where adequate bone and tissue exists versus complex cases where surgeries to rebuild tissues and bone have to be done first.
At Piney Point Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery , our costs are in line with the average costs of dental implant providers in our area (Houston).
The greatest determining factor of how the decision making on dental implant providers is the quality and experience level of the implant surgeon. Finally dental implants costs are affected by the brand that the surgeon selects for the implant placement because of patents placed on the materials. The ADA approved implants and the best implants include systems like Nobel Biocare, Straumman, Astratecth, etc.
The surgeons of Piney Point OMS are DIAMOND level providers for each of the implant systems mentioned above.
Come visit Dr Steve Koo or Dr. Thomas Weil at our office located near Houston, Tx at
2450 Fondren
Suite 320
Houston, TX 77063