3,887 People Will Have Oral Cancer in Houston This Year

August 25, 2016

Filed under: Oral Cancer Treatment — Dr. Steve Koo @ 1:57 pm

oral cancerWe need to talk about oral cancer. The nonprofit organization The Oral Cancer Foundation estimates that 48,250 Americans will receive an oral cancer diagnosis in 2016 alone. 3,887 of those cases will be in Houston. Will you or someone you love be affected by the disease that kills one person in the United States every hour? Learn more about oral cancer today — doing so could (literally) save your life.


Self Checking for Oral Cancer

March 10, 2016

Filed under: Oral Cancer Treatment — Tags: — Dr. Steve Koo @ 3:04 pm

When you think about cancer, one area that’s often overlooked is oral cancer. Oral cancer affects more than checking for oral cancer with roughly one person dying every 24 hours. The high death rate from oral cancer, with a little over half only surviving 5 years, is largely due to the fact the cancer isn’t diagnosed until the late stages. While oral cancer isn’t difficult to diagnose, it often goes unnoticed due to not having oral screenings performed regularly. However, even without an oral screening, you can start checking for oral cancer at home to learn early signs. Piney Point Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is here to help you learn how to conduct an oral cancer check at home.

What You Need to Know about Chemotherapy and Your Mouth

January 22, 2016

smiling chemotherapy patientChemotherapy has a number of well-known side effects including fatigue, nausea, muscle pain or weakness, and hair loss. What patients don’t always realize is that cancer treatments also affect their oral health. Like many other systemic diseases that are intricately linked to oral health, caring for your smile throughout chemotherapy improves your overall health during care. The expert team at Piney Point Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is happy to help you care for your smile throughout chemotherapy.

Protect Yourself Against Oral Cancer in Houston, TX

November 18, 2014

180413013An estimated 40,000 plus people are diagnosed with oral cancer each year, making this cancer one of the 10 most commonly found malignancies in the world. The Oral Cancer Foundation has submitted statistics showing that just over half of those individuals will survive past the five year mark. Due to its asymptomatic nature, however, oral cancer is often diagnosed at a late stage. The key to survival for this cancer is early detection and treatment. Dr. Thomas M. Weil and Dr. Steve Koo, the oral and maxillofacial surgeons at Piney Point Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Houston, TX, are experts at detecting, diagnosing, and treating oral cancer.